
Clipboard Nation
Created by Clipboard Nation
2 months ago

Welcome To Clipboard Nation!

Alex Drayson
Created by Alex Drayson
6 minutes ago
Offense • RPO’s

Glance RPO

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Tom McNeil
Created by Tom McNeil
1 day ago
Offense • Game Planning

Mel Kiper Jr says ban cover 2 - What are your best cover 2 beaters

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Bruce Moe Kind
Created by Bruce Moe Kind
3 days ago
Offense • Fundamentals

Drills and Techniques for Teaching Receivers to Recognize and React to Man vs. Zone Coverage

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Coach Maxwell
Created by Coach Maxwell
6 days ago
Youth Football

Best player on team discipline issues - Advice

Chad Murphy
Created by Chad Murphy
6 days ago
Youth Football

How to break down staff film responsibilities

Marc Scully
Created by Marc Scully
2 weeks ago
Special Team

Fake Punt Hail Mary? Everything about this shouldn't work!


Marcus Peppers
Created by Marcus Peppers
2 weeks ago

A lot of window dressing but a great short yardage play


Tom McNeil
Created by Tom McNeil
3 weeks ago

Zone read with a late throw - how to defend this?


Tom McNeil
Created by Tom McNeil
4 weeks ago

Darrell Doucette Comments: Is Flag Football really so different?

Tom McNeil
Created by Tom McNeil
4 weeks ago
Youth Football

Drills/Advice for Kids who seem to be scared of contact

Alex Drayson
Created by Alex Drayson
1 month ago
Offense • Pass Game

Trips Flood to 3

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Wayne Gottfred
Created by Wayne Gottfred
1 month ago
Offense • Fundamentals

Methods for teaching players to recognize and attack Trap Cover 2 Corners.

John Weisechstel
Created by John Weisechstel
1 month ago

Favorite ways to attack a 3-high safety defense

Alex Drayson
Created by Alex Drayson
1 month ago
Defense • Coverage

4 Lock Variation

Coach Amendola
Created by Coach Amendola
1 month ago
Special Team

New Kick Off Rule

Coach Maxwell
Created by Coach Maxwell
1 month ago
Youth Football

Kids numbers falling in football but 8vs8 numbers increasing

Trik Boo
Created by Trik Boo Moderator
1 month ago
Offense • Formation Structure

Play designs to overcome loaded boxes on defense

Toni Fernandez
Created by Toni Fernandez
1 month ago
Offense • Offensive Systems

OL assignments - how does the half slide work?

Coach Maxwell
Created by Coach Maxwell
1 month ago

Running spread option to thin out a loaded box